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Alfred Hitchcock's A Hangman's Dozen

front cover of the US edition

Alfred Hitchcock's A Hangman's Dozen


  • Let Hitch knot your nerves into a noose!


  1. Bomb #14 by Jack Ritchie — from AHMM 2(8)
  2. The Forgiving Ghost by C.B. Gilford
  3. The Children of Noah by Richard Matheson — from AHMM 2(3)
  4. An Attractive Family by Robert Arthur
  5. Let the Sucker Beware by Charles Einstein
  6. Fair Game by John Cortez
  7. The Curious Facts Preceding My Execution by Richard Stark
  8. Your Witness by Helen Nielsen
  9. Blackout by Richard Deming
  10. The October Game by Ray Bradbury — from AHMM 2(6)
  11. Stop Calling Me "Mister" by Jonathan Craig
  12. The Last Escape by Jay Street
  13. Not a Laughing Matter by Evan Hunter
  14. Most Agreeably Poisoned by Fletcher Flora
  15. The Best-Friend Murder by Donald E. Westlake


Image Gallery

Images from the Hitchcock Gallery (click to view larger versions or search for all relevant images)...