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Variety (1960) - Pictures: London Critics Rap 'PSYCHO'


  • article: Pictures: London Critics Rap 'PSYCHO'
  • journal: Variety (10/Aug/1960)
  • issue: volume 219, issue 11, page 4
  • journal ISSN: 0042-2738
  • publisher: Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier, Inc
  • keywords: Psycho (1960)




London, Aug. 9.

Local critics were plenty miffed at Paramount because of its "Psycho" policy and made their feelings clear in reviewing the Alfred Hitchcock production upon its opening at the West End Plaza Theatre. They called it the worst film ever turned out by Hitchcock.

What apparently annoyed the fourth estaters was the fact that Par wouldn't accommodate them with preview showings, insisting instead that they see the film at the theatre and at specific times. And in no case would they be admitted after the opening frame. Martin Davis, Par's ad-pub director, came in from New York to see that the policy was abided by.

Interesting footnote is that the critics' blasts didn't carry much weight with the public. Despite the dailies' murderous comments, "Psycho" had a bigger opening than Par's mammoth "Ten Commandments."