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The Cine-Technician (1936) - Who's Who Amongst A.C.T. Vice-Presidents



Who's Who Amongst A.C.T. Vice-Presidents


Burly, untidy, black-haired, overcoated Ivor Montagu is 32. Younger son of Swaythling family — famous Jewish bankers. Would make good banker himself had he not taken up zoology, table tennis, films and politics. Won medal at age of four, as youngest infant at that time to swim length of bath at Bath Club. Educated Westminster, where he studied zoology at South Kensington. Later studied under Lance Hogben at Royal College of Surgeons. Then King's College, Cambridge. Failed on most exams, but was given B.A. standard for Zoology. Finally took degrees in English and French, two terms before his proper time. Had to stay at Cambridge to prove diligence. Found lectures sent him to sleep, so was permitted to do original research. Forgot original research until last week of last term. Spent last week measuring skulls of beavers to nearest 1/100th of a millimetre. Original research passed as O.K. Took up table tennis because he thought he was good at it — better than anyone else. Found he wasn't, but all the same remains chairman of International Advisory Council of Table Tennis. Went out to look for mice in Caucasus and thence to films. Founded Film Society with Sydney Bernstein, Iris Barry, Angus MacPhail, Adrian Brunel and others. At last moment George Atkinson — film journalist — accused Film Society of digging into well-known Moscow gold. Atkinson had to publish apology and Film Society flourishes. Founded Brunel and Montagu who handled all kinds of foreign re-editing jobs. Knackers for the film industry, as Ivor describes them, and known widely as Brunel and Montagu. Cut Lodger, early Hitchcock silent with only thirty titles — unheard of feat at the time. Made three silents for Rowson in 1929. Best known is Bluebottles. Quota just coming in, so Rowson held shorts up until Act passed. Talkies came at same time. Films missed boat. Until recently Unit Production Manager for Gaumont-British. Sandwiches job in with trips to Moscow, International Table Tennis, translation and many other pursuits. He and another sole members of A.C.T. for two years, in G.B. studio. A.C.T. now booming and Ivor plays important part.

Doesn't like photographs of himself ; hence none at top of this screed.

(Reprinted from World Film News).