Notorious (1946) - on set - On set publicity still for ''Notorious''.Notorious (1946) - publicity still - Publicity still of Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant for ''Notorious''.Notorious (1946) - publicity still - Publicity still of Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant for ''Notorious''.Spellbound (1945) - Ingrid Bergman - Photograph of Ingrid Bergman (''Spellbound'').Notorious (1946) - publicity still - Publicity still of Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant for ''Notorious''.Notorious (1946) - publicity still - Publicity still of Ingrid Bergman for ''Notorious''.Notorious (1946) - publicity still - Publicity still of Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant for ''Notorious''.Notorious (1946) - publicity still - Publicity still of Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant for ''Notorious''.Alfred Hitchcock (1948) - Photograph of Alfred Hitchcock and Ingrid Bergman in London, taken in October 1948.Notorious (1946) - publicity still - Publicity still of Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant for ''Notorious''.Spellbound (1945) - photograph - Publicity photograph from ''Spellbound''.Spellbound (1945) - photograph - Photograph from ''Spellbound''.Notorious (1946) - publicity still - Publicity still of Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant for ''Notorious''.Notorious (1946) - publicity still - Publicity still for ''Notorious''.Notorious (1946) - publicity still - Publicity still for ''Notorious''.